
Entity Definition

Logical Name : RetailTransactionDeliveryPreferenceItem
Physical Name : TR_ITM_DV_PRFC

A associative entity that relates a particular item sale to a record of the Customer's delivery preferances for the items purchased.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
RetailTransactionDeliveryPreferenceID (FK)(PK) A unique system allocated identifier for the record of the Customer's preferences for the delivery of the goods purchased in a particular RetailTransaction. ID_DV_PRFC Identity integer RetailTransactionDeliveryPreference(TR_DV_PRFC)
DeliverySequenceOrderCode (FK)(PK) Indicates the relative order for the execution of this delivery instruction. IC_DV_ORD Code2 char(2) RetailTransactionDeliveryPreference(TR_DV_PRFC)
DeliveryPreferenceLineItemSequenceNumber (PK) A unique, non-significant, automatically assigned sequential number used to identify this item within the context of the RetailTransactionDeliveryPreference. IC_LTM_DV_PFC LineNumber smallint
RetailTransactionLineItemSequenceNumber (FK) The sequence number of line item within the context of this RetailTransaction. IC_LN_ITM LineNumber smallint SaleReturnLineItem(TR_LTM_SLS_RTN)
Quantity Denotes how many of the items in the relevant SaleReturnLineItem are to be delivered in this shipment. The implication being that one may purchase more than one of an item in a single SaleReturnLineItem and each instance of the item purchased may be shipped to a different address. QU_ITM_SHP QuantityShortCount decimal(3,0)
TransactionID (FK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32) SaleReturnLineItem(TR_LTM_SLS_RTN)
ScheduledDeliveryDateTime The calendar date and time a delivery preference sets for a specific RetailTransactionDeliveryPreference. This enables ONE RetailTransaction SaleReturnLineItem to be delivered in multiple deliveries to multiple locations at multiple dates and times. Applies to RetailTransaction since there may be many SaleReturnLineItem instances in a RetailTransaction. DT_SCH_DV Datetime datetime


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
RetailTransactionDeliveryPreference contains RetailTransactionDeliveryPreferenceItem
SaleReturnLineItem is to be delivered via RetailTransactionDeliveryPreferenceItem

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